About The Event
In parallel with the 14th ICT Innovations Conference 2022, the following independent workshop will be held:
Dissemination Workshop for EuroCC MK: Cooperation and transfer of technologies and knowledge between industry and the National Competency Center for HPC, HPDA and AI
The main goal of the EuroCC is to implement a European support structure based on strongly interconnected national competence centers (NCCs) to provide support to industry (especially small and medium-sized enterprises), academia and public administration to benefit from the available HPC expertise, experience and resources in Europe.
One of the long-term goals of the cooperation and transfer of technologies project’s component is to provide:
1. Various channels of communication with and within the industry,
2. To increase the capacity of interested industry partners for HPC, HPDA and AI tools and applications and
3. To establish a process that will help companies in finding solutions to their problems through the use of the existing center of experts, learning opportunities and knowledge transfer, participation in specialized workshops for identification and problem solving, participation in specialized seminars, etc.
The main benefits of joining EuroCC for the small and medium enterprises are:
1. Free-of-charge assistance in identifying and analyzing problems that can be addressed and resolved through the use of HPC, HPDA, and AI.
2. Access to expertise in the application of HPC, HPDA and AI to improve processes and data processing.
3. Free-of-charge training and knowledge transfer for employees responsible for establishing and improving process efficiency and/or applying tools in the areas of HPC, HPDA and AI.
4. Free-of-charge development of proof-of-concept and training on how to apply it to solve problems in the field of HPC, HPDA and AI.
5. Access to computational capacities for realization of concept proof and processing and analysis of high data volumes.
6. Exchange of experiences with companies/organizations that have already achieved positive results from the use of technologies in the field of HPC, HPDA and AI.
The dissemination workshop will present the success stories of the collaboration established between the industry and the National Competency Center for HPC, HPDA and AI at North Macedonia. The presentations of the success stories will give an overview of the problem, problem solution and the results and improvements achieved by applying the main three pillar technologies HPC, HPDA and AI.
More info: http://www.ictinnovations.org/workshops